Sunday 31 May 2015

Welcome back to the last term of Reception.
Hope you have all had a good week.

I thought you might like to see some photos -  highlights from  last term...

We watched the little caterpillars change into Pupas

After about 2 weeks, the pupas cracked open and  and out crawled 4 beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. 

It was the first time I had actually seen this happen, how fantastic! - previous years, they emerged when we were not at school to witness it. 

We let them go in Sylvia's Garden next to Newbold Church Centre. 

The Butterflies left a Thank you letter for every child. We found them hidden in the bushes.

After the butterflies had flown away, all the children offered a prayer-  thanking God for the butterflies and asking  him to look after them.
It was a really lovely project. What an amazing and mysterious world we live in.

So this last term, I will be preparing the children for transition to Year 1 with particular  focus on writing.

As always, please come and see me if you have anything you would like to talk about.

God Bless

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Hi Everyone

Here are our new classroom 'pets' that have already been named by one of the girls!

Five beautiful, black , munching caterpillars -  Cyan,  Stacey,  Misis Diy,  Mareea and Sofee.

They are growing at a rapid rate too.

One of them looks like they are starting the next stage of metamorphis and is hanging upside down in the cup,
Watch this space - so exciting!
We are going to look at the life cycle today in class.

Come and have a look , they are quite amazing,

God bless from