Sunday 26 February 2017

Wow! We  have an amazing new floor in F2.
Mrs. Braun and I took the opportunity over the half term, to do a little re-organising and clearing out. It was great - we managed to create much more space in F2.

I loved the positive 
comments from the children
 when they arrived on Tuesday morning - they were so incredulous...

" Miss Jones, did you do all this??"
"  I love the new classroom, you must have worked very hard!!"
"We really like our  new classroom!"

Lots of discussion took place between them and then they all went off exploring the new areas we had created. It just goes to show how observant and appreciative the F2 children are, doesn't it?

Many thanks to Aiman, our caretaker, and his colleagues for all their very hard work over the half term.