Tuesday 17 May 2016

Well what an amazing morning! 
We let our butterflies go in Sylvia's Garden after watching them grow from caterpillars,
 They were flittering and fluttering inside the net as if they couldn't wait to feel the sensation of flying for the first time.
 As they flew out, most of them rested briefly on the bushes. 
A couple of them just flew straight out and disappeared into the distance. 

The butterflies were very thoughtful and left each child a thank you letter in the bushes. 

After reading the letters, with the help of Mrs.McCormack, we said a prayer asking God to look after the butterflies as they searched for somewhere to lay eggs and start this amazing  cycle all over again.

It is a lovely project, with so much to explore. We have looked at symmetry ,life cycles, the features of an insect and have learned some new vocabulary. So well Done F2 - Great work.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Dear F2 Families

Wild animals are always a very popular theme in Early Years and so we decided to look a little bit closer at life in the Jungle during the last few weeks of term.

We completely transformed our reading tent  - we covered  it in green material and paper , adding bright  tissue flowers and trailing vines from the ceiling - it looked great! We researched  jungle animals on the internet   - snakes, caiman, monkeys, gorillas etc.. and looked closely  at patterns on snakes. The children got busy colouring in snakes and making patterns with unifix. This topic created a lot of mark-making interest which is  something we constantly strive to promote.

The children loved looking at their books by torchlight in the Jungle - it can be very dark in , with little sunshine getting through all the foliage and fauna. 

Your children are so inquisitive and love finding out about all sorts of things - we had a great 2 weeks.

F1 and F2 did a Giant Litter Pick for our school and the local environment. We talked about  the dangers to animals, people and the landscape when we choose to drop litter. Please see our RESPECT x 5 display board as you enter school - there is more to look at.......

We get all sorts of visitors come and see us. One afternoon, Batman arrived to tell a story to F1 and F2 during their snack time. It was great fun! - hope he comes to visit again soon.

...and a visit from a Royal soldier who guards Buckingham Palace...

And lastly, many thanks to Kei in Year5/6. 
F2 wrote to Kei , asking him if he would bring his BMX Bike into school.
 Kei  takes part in BMX competitions.
Kei brought his bike and all his kit, gloves, helmet, vest etc..,  that he needs for protection as it can be quite dangerous on the muddy tracks. Thank you Kei - it was really interesting. Hope you like our Thank you card - it is ready to give to you.

This term we have an exciting book week and a Mothers Day Celebration performance to look forward to - so busy, busy, busy as usual...

God bless and best wishes  
from Mrs.Dye and the Early Years Team
